I wanted to write a blog post but nothing funny would come. And it felt wrong to be writing funny stories when my friends are in such terrible crisis.
I talked to my friend L. about it. L. is part of our close group of friends, and equally as affected by the situation.
"I can't write," I told her. "I can't be funny."
"You have to write," she said. "A. would tell you to keep writing. He would tell you to get on with your normal life."
And then it occurred to me exactly what A. would say. "No, you're wrong," I told her. "A. would tell me that I must stop writing for at least a year, if not two, and then demand that I put a massive sign on my blog telling him to get well soon."
There was a pause, and then L. laughed. "Yep," she said. "That's exactly what he'd say."
My thoughts are with my amazing friends J. and A. And here is a sign. It's not massive, but it is heartfelt.