February 19, 2011

This Is It!

I have a book cover! And if I may say so myself, I am rather delighted with it. So thank you to all involved.

In celebration of my cover, I thought I would post the first ever author interview with me.

Unfortunately, no-one has actually bothered to interview me yet, so as I didn't want to disappoint you, I just interviewed myself.

Sadly, I turned out to be a pretty poor interviewer, which meant that I didn't take the interview particularly seriously. As a result, I gave some rather stupid answers, and occasionally quoted myself out of context.

Still, the interview does give some insights into the workings of my mind. So read, and enjoy, and if you have any questions of your own, please feel free to ask.

Kerri, your book is absolutely, hysterically funny, and so very true. Can you tell the readers what it is about?

Well, Kerri, my book is a memoir of marriage and motherhood.

Well DUH, I read that on the cover. Can you be more specific?

Oh. Okay. Well, I have written about the nitty gritty of what really goes on behind the closed doors of a family. What life looks like after years and years of living with the same person, and creating other, smaller people with them. The challenges of monogamy, and friendship, and of being a parent. Or, in other words, I talk a lot about my sex life and the way I've lost control of my children.

Your book is non-fiction; can you tell us why you chose that genre?

To be honest, it was easier just to write about reality than to go to all the hassle of having to make things up. Who has the time?

Why did you write the book? Did you want to demonstrate the universality of your experiences? Help women to see that no-one has the perfect marriage, and that no-one is the perfect mother? Did you want to make people laugh? Write the quintessential book on married life?

Um... actually I was just hoping that someone would turn the book into a screenplay and I could hire Simon Baker to play my husband.

How does your husband feel about the book? Considering you share very intimate details of your life together?

He doesn't know. And quite frankly, I don't plan to tell him. You're not going to mention it, are you?

Um, no. Uh... how long did it take you to write the book?

Ages. There was so much other stuff I had to do at the same time. You know, look after the kids, run the household, work part-time, service my husband sexually, meet my friends for coffee, watch The Mentalist... It's all just juggle, juggle, juggle!

Did you enjoy the writing process?

Hell yeah. Darn sight better than cleaning.

Kerri Sackville, thank you for your time.

No problems, Kerri. And by the way, I think your ear is fabulous. It really sticks out!

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