June 10, 2009

Blocked & UnFollowed - The Pain Of A Lonely Tweep

Writing online requires a thick skin. You put it out there, and you hope people respond well. If they do, you feel like the popular girl in school. If they don't, well.... you get hideous, fall-on-the-bed-in-a-foetal-position-quivering flashbacks to when you weren't.

When I began posting on Twitter I followed some interesting people, some of whom kindly followed me back. These people included the comedian Dave Hughes, who thrilled me to bits when he followed me too. After all, if Dave Hughes found me Follow-Worthy, then I must be worth something, right?
Turns out, Dave Hughes follows EVERYONE who follows him; he's just a totally inclusive kind of guy. Which is lovely, really. But it kind of devalued his particular following of me, if you know what I mean.
Still, it's better to have found love, and realised it's a little diluted, than never to have found love at all. There are plenty of people who have failed to follow me, despite my onslaught of desperately witty and pithy posts. I'm like the girl knocking pitifully on the door of the party, except that no-one can hear, because the music is turned up so loud inside.
It's bad enough when people I don't know don't follow me. When people I do know don't follow me, it's like rubbing salt into the wound. My own BROTHER-IN-LAW, for example, refuses to follow me, despite me following his posts since he's been online. I mean, what's with that? Even if he finds me painfully boring, surely familial loyalty would give me even a paltry Pity Follow? But no.
Still , at least all my brother-in-law has done to me is Not Follow. Yesterday, to continue the party metaphor, I actually got TURNED AWAY FROM THE DOOR. Yes, I attempted to follow an interesting looking person on Twitter and found they had blocked me. So offensive and noxious was I, that this person had decided to ban me from reading their posts. I guess they were concerned I'd.... Um... Well, actually I really don't know what I might have done had I been let loose to read their posts. But clearly something very, very awful.
So not only did I then feel like the unpopular girl in school, I felt like the paranoid unpopular girl in school, who knows someone doesn't like her, but has no idea why. Am I not pretty enough? (Possible, but my Twitter photo is a really good picture, taken from a careful angle.) Is my heart too broken? (Well, now it certainly is.) Do I cry too much? Am I too outspoken? (Sorry, couldn't think of anymore questions so I had to borrow from Kasey Chambers.)
Still, whatever the questions, I know the answer. I'm starting my own party. The food may be bad, and the music lame, but you're all invited, and I'm not blocking anyone.
Except, maybe, my brother-in-law...


  1. I attempted to follow a few MM people when I first joined twitter and found I was blocked. I sat there for a whole minute wondering what was wrong with me and then I ate a smartie and got on with it. I now block people all the time. If they follow me and don't fit my criteria (only the cream of the crop are allowed to follow me lima oscar lima), then I block them, only to save my time later if they try and follow me again. Sort of my way of approving my followers without being private.

    Don't let it worry you. I know a carpenter who can assist with some timber in your bridge building if you like.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again - they don't know what they're missing.

    I only block marketers and spammers (and porn stars!)

  3. You would need numberchic's carpenter to build a barrier to block the door to your party beacause you are THE party girl. Everyone wants to be invited to your party where we could sit around slurping nutella and laughing endlessly at your brilliant observations on life.

    Your brother-in-law is a nutter and should be committed as I don't believe he is well enought to be walking the streets. Either that or he is just trying really hard to be uber serious.

  4. i only block marketers and spam too. I've not come across a person of normal status who I want to block, but if I decide to block you, I'll let you know why first you don't have to be wondering! ;-)

  5. Sometimes, especially in blogging and twitter, I feel like the girl at the back, jumping up and down shouting 'notice me! I have a valid opinion too!'

    It doesn't always work. But the jumping can be fun.

  6. Hugs!

    I am hopeless at Twitter. I need to follow more people and get it sorted out.

    Just so you know.. if you had a party. I'd want an invite. And if I didn't have one, I'd probably just gate crash anyhow. xx

  7. It's their loss! That's all I have to say!

  8. Oh I feel your pain. 2 people who were following me, I was following them, have decided I shit them and have not only unfollowed me but have blocked me. I have been wondering what I said but now, well for god's sakes it's Twitter. I too would like an invite. Looks like I will bring the biting bitchiness that got me blocked (and a couple of bottles of red to make my teeth go black and scary)

  9. i only block marketers and spam too. I've not come across a person of normal status who I want to block, but if I decide to block you, I'll let you know why first you don't have to be wondering! ;-)

  10. You would need numberchic's carpenter to build a barrier to block the door to your party beacause you are THE party girl. Everyone wants to be invited to your party where we could sit around slurping nutella and laughing endlessly at your brilliant observations on life.

    Your brother-in-law is a nutter and should be committed as I don't believe he is well enought to be walking the streets. Either that or he is just trying really hard to be uber serious.


Thanks! Love hearing from you.

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