June 18, 2013

On My Sister's Birthday...

Today was a significant day for two completely different reasons. Firstly, it was my sister's birthday. June 18th. She would have been 43. I thought of Tanya all day, but then again, I think of her every day anyway.

And today was significant for another reason. It was my first time on a new TV show, The Daily Edition. I am going to be a regular on a weekly panel called The Debrief with two fabulous bloggers, Mrs Woog from Woogsworld and Beth from BabyMac.

I had a great time before the panel began. A stylist looked at our clothes and suggested I wear the other scarf, not that scarf, which was terribly exciting, because she was a stylist, and she said "Yes, that works," and not "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE SHOCKING TASTE" which is what I had feared she'd say. (Although to be fair, the brief for the panel was possibly 'two stylish bloggers and one with shocking taste', so that could have been her reasoning.)

A ridiculously good looking man. And a happy woman.

I had fun with Woog and Beth practising saying key phrases such as "Well, I'm glad you asked me that," and "Let me elaborate for your elucidation," and "What a fascinating point. May I respectfully repudiate?"

And then a very tall and very handsome and very.... broad shouldered man walked into the room.

It was Kris Smith, one of the co-hosts of the show.

The man is good looking. Like, movie-star good looking. Like, slightly luminescent-with-a-hint-of-fairydust good looking. I felt shy, so I didn't approach him. And if you believed that, you've never met me, because I am SHAMELESS around celebrities and immediately pounced on him and asked for a photo.

And then I thought, I have to call Tanya. Because Kris Smith was married to Dannii Minogue who was one of our favourite Young Talent Time stars. And Tanya and I LOVED Young Talent Time. She would be so excited!

And then I remembered. I can't. She died five years ago.

I miss Tanya on her birthday. But it's in moments like these - those everyday moments that are part of the fabric of life - that I miss her the most.


  1. What a spunk!!! And he looks pretty good too.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. Those broken threads leave such big holes in our hearts.

  3. Huge hugs, I still can't walk pass Millers mum's fave shop without crying.

  4. What a day of extreme contrasts...
    I hope you are being kind to yourself. Sending you love light and strength to wrap around your heart.
    Ps he is bloody gorgeous!!

  5. What an amazing experience, and I'm so sorry you couldn't call Tanya to tell her all about it. She would be so excited I'm sure. Much love x

  6. Lovely story Kerri. Sending love. x

  7. Lana (Sharpest Pencil)June 18, 2013 at 7:57 PM

    I know that Tanya is in your thoughts every minute of every day. But I hope you know how proud she would be of you.

    You were a star today. And I think Tanya's star shone brighter because of it

  8. I think at the very least you could have kissed him.
    ps I could not imagine life with out my sis.

  9. It is as though it was all meant to be exactly the way it turned out today. What a beautiful way to remember Tanya.

  10. Sending you hugs on this day and every day without your sister :(
    Re Kris Smith - you lucky bitch!

  11. Oh Kerri, so bloody hard. You did good though. She would have laughed liked we did. You owned it. Will be recording every week xx

  12. I think that's the hardest day-to-day part of loss - when you turn around to share something you know they'd love - and they're not there. Congratulations on your new thing and sympathy on your old pain.

  13. I always want to take grief out back, make it sit on the back step, then wave my finger at it saying "Behave, grief, behave!"

    But I can't, and it never does.

  14. Alicia-OneMotherHenJune 19, 2013 at 11:01 AM

    That would of been hard, you sister would have been so proud of you yesterday though, even with shocking taste. Kris is nice on the eye, the accent doesn't hurt either :)

  15. LOL. Thank you! And yes, his accent was loooovely!

  16. And thank you for your Vine thingy. HILARIOUS. xxxx

  17. Thanks Carly. I gave Kris an extra squeeze for her x

  18. Is that what they call it these days?

  19. Oh honey, that one was hard to read. Big, big love xxx

  20. What a bittersweet day. xxx


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