December 31, 2010

For New Year.....

So it's time for New Year's Resolutions. I generally make a few. I don't usually keep them for more than a day or two, but as we all know, effort, not quality, counts, in 2011 as in any other year.

Now, I usually keep my private life intensely private, hidden from all but my closest confidantes, my blog followers, my Twitter followers, my hairdresser, my babysitter, the guy who delivers my shopping, and pretty much anyone who sits next to me in a cafe, stands behind me in a queue, or enters a lift with me on any given day.

However, today, I shall overcome my natural reticence to share, and will disclose to you my New Year's Resolutions for 2011.

Just please, keep them to yourself,

1. I resolve to keep my house clean from now on. This won't be easy, as my house is very white, and very beautiful, thanks to an architect husband who believes in form over function, and has a thing for very white, very beautiful sofas. But I'll do it, godamnit, even if it means banishing the children to my parents' house and eating on the lawn. Except that I won't, of course. I'm not very good at housework. But I promise to put a new bag in the rubbish bin when I take one out. Will that do?

2. I resolve to get the kids to school on time. I haven't quite worked out how I'll do this yet, as I already wake up 90 minutes before leaving time and I've never yet got us all ready by deadline. But I'll figure it out. Or move the kids to a school that starts at 10am. That would definitely work.

3. I resolve to get fit. Somehow, over the past couple of years, my exercise regime has degenerated from 'regular' to 'sporadic' to 'I'll do it tomorrow'. And it's not like I don't enjoy exercise. I do. I just enjoy other things more. Like sleeping. And eating. And reading the paper. And ironing. And stabbing myself in the eyes repeatedly with a blunt object. You get the idea.

4. I resolve to be an ideal parent and wife. Which is completely ridiculous, of course. I will never come close to being an ideal parent or wife. No-one can. So let's just say I resolve to be the best parent and wife I can possibly be. That's all anyone can aim for.

5. I resolve to write my second book. My son tells me this is premature, as "Your first book might be an epic failure, Mum, so what's the point?" But I shall forge ahead nonetheless. One has to take risks, and one needs a bit of faith. And if my first book is an epic failure, then at least it will set the bar low, so I can achieve a personal best on the second. Right?

6. I resolve to laugh as much as possible in 2011. Life is hard, and full of pain. Life is unpredictable, and full of unexpected dips and turns. Life is short, sometimes unbearably so. But life is also full of joy and wonder. I think of my sister and I ache. I think of the terrible suffering experienced by so many people I know, and even more people I don't know, and I want to scream at the injustice of it all. But I look at my children - my heart-wrenchingly beautiful children - and I cannot believe how blessed I have been. I think of my husband, and my parents, and my wonderful friends, and I feel intensely grateful for all the love I have in my life. I don't know the meaning of life. I do believe, however, that we need to laugh and love and celebrate the good stuff as much as possible. Otherwise, what on earth is the point?

So to all of you, my friends and readers and commenters: THANK YOU. You will never know how much it means to me, to log onto my computer and see how many of you have read this blog; to read your comments - sometimes touching, often hilarious; and to feel your ongoing support and your caring. THANK YOU. I am grateful for each and every one of you, and I look forward to seeing you all around here next year.

I wish you all a 2011 filled with joy, good health, and happiness and I am sending big virtual hugs and kisses to you all.



  1. Love it, and love your work Kerri. A big year for you in 2011! Love your son's extreme faith in you!


  2. Kerri, that was fabulous. I laughed. I cried. I agreed.

    Esp over the housework thing, oh and I live on the same street as my sons' school, and even *I* can't get them there on time most days!

    Your son is hilarious! Completely wrong. But hilarious!

    But as for the final bit you wrote (that's the part I got teary over - not the blunt instrument in the eye part, surprisingly) I agree wholeheartedly. I always say that we only get one shot at life and why the hell not enjoy it? Life's too short and we should enjoy every moment.

    Happy New Year to you too, hon. xxx

  3. Kerri,

    I love reading your blogs and I love your honesty in sharing the positive and not so positive things you encounter in your everyday life. Thanks so much for making me laugh - looking forward to more fun in 2011. Happy New Year!!!

  4. Dear dear Kerri,
    So much truth within the funny words. I've discovered your work (and Tweet chatted with you) this year and that's added a special something to my year too. Thanks for bringing so much joy and a smile to so many. Have a great 2011! x x PS My word verification today was 'matering'. Interesting.

  5. Happy New Year Kerri may your year be filled with joy, love & laughter (with a good dash of dancing for good measure)


  6. Hi Kerri,
    If old age has taught me anything it that life is like a baby monkey: it's short, and it likes to throw shit at you. And when I was younger I used to scoff at that old adage "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" but as I've gotten older I've realised just how true it is. So I end 2010 with a subdued satisfaction that we've made it through another year of hiccups and hurdles; and although no-one can promise that next year will be any easier, the little extra bit of strength and resilience I gained this year will come in handy I'm sure.

    Wishing you and yours a safe and happy and successful 2011 xxxxx

  7. Love you & your work... keep the laugh's coming in 2011 we all need them! xo

  8. You are a cracker Kerri! You make me laugh, you make me cry; you make so many of us out here in Blogsville and Twitterland feel grateful to have "met" you!

    I have no doubt that second book will be a pearler - right along with the first, third, fourth and beyond.

    Keep on doing what you do best - honestly sharing your thoughts on love, life and everything in between. The world needs more Kerri-types. Happy New Year!

    Big Al x

  9. Virtual hug right back at you!! I'll think of you while cleaning, getting to school on time, being the perfect mother & wife, exercising & donating 40 hours of my week to charity too, love Posie

  10. Of course, you didn't promise to do stop doing those man and wife discussing sex videos. I'm torn if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

    I promise to scratch my nuts less. I mean, to stop right now. OK, right NOW. OK, in the next few minutes, I'll stop.

  11. Kerri, thanks for a great set of resolutions. I never do the resolution thing, basically because I can't be arsed, but mainly because I'm virtually perfect already. {In reality of course, I have more faults than a Chinese plasma TV} I wish you continued success in 2011 xxx

  12. Get writing on that second book. We will want it immediately after consuming the first x

  13. I'm not really very good at coming up with New Years resolutions. Perhaps I could just borrow yours? Because they are great. And funny. Between the two of us we might keep them for a whole week. Except I'll have to leave the book one to you, because, well, you know, I'm a forester. Not a writer. And I will be wanting to read it, and then that will take care of resolution number 6.

    Happy New Year to you.

  14. At this stage, my New Year's Resolution is to survive New Year's Eve #imminentcyclone. If I don't however, at least I spent my last minutes reading your funny, true, gorgeous words... beautiful stuff, K. My 2010 was so much richer for meeting you. xxxx

  15. Happy New Year Angel. I am commenting because I love your blog, and also so that I can call you a liar on Twitter..


  16. Always so brilliant. Although good to see your boy is keeping you nicely grounded. Give up on the housework - it works (not really) for me. Look forward to reading even more of you in 2011....
    Love Michelle

  17. Kerri.. u needn't strive to be any thing more than just you. Cos you is pretty awesome.. Being the best version of you is all anyone can ask for.. I love your blog, and I can't wait to read your book... I'd like you to autograph my copy of your book when you do your book tour!! xx

  18. You give me a giggle with every post. Looking forward to 2011.

  19. Oh that was beautiful! And a little bit funny. Great combination.

    My New Years Resolutions are similar to yours. Eat Better, drink less, move more. Failing pretty hard already and it's only midday New Years Day.

    Ah well, there's always 2012.

    Thanks for all the great words during the year Kerri.

    You are officially off the firebombing list. xx

  20. And to you, too - good luck with each and every single one of these goals!

  21. You know 2011 is the year where I will start the process of founding a religion devoted to worshipping you. I should also point out that I'm not great at carrying out all my resolutions. So until I get onto it I just want you to know how in AWE of you I really am.
    I hope this is a fantastic year for you K.Sack xo

  22. Ditto ditto ditto - exactly the same resolutions for me.

    Except - I vow to get up at the time you get up, rather than at the time people's kids start school.

    And, ahem, I already keep my house clean, due to my being an anally retentive clean freak.

  23. Forgot to add re my above comment:

    I resolve to get professional help for anally retentive cleanliness before baby starts to walk (and make a mess)...

  24. And to you, too - good luck with each and every single one of these goals!

  25. You are a cracker Kerri! You make me laugh, you make me cry; you make so many of us out here in Blogsville and Twitterland feel grateful to have "met" you!

    I have no doubt that second book will be a pearler - right along with the first, third, fourth and beyond.

    Keep on doing what you do best - honestly sharing your thoughts on love, life and everything in between. The world needs more Kerri-types. Happy New Year!

    Big Al x

  26. Love you & your work... keep the laugh's coming in 2011 we all need them! xo

  27. Dear dear Kerri,
    So much truth within the funny words. I've discovered your work (and Tweet chatted with you) this year and that's added a special something to my year too. Thanks for bringing so much joy and a smile to so many. Have a great 2011! x x PS My word verification today was 'matering'. Interesting.

  28. Love it, and love your work Kerri. A big year for you in 2011! Love your son's extreme faith in you!



Thanks! Love hearing from you.